Case for TBG™ Tactical Battle Goggles

The perfect case for your Battle Goggles

Intended to deliver the highest level of safety, functionality and combat effectiveness Case for TBG™ delivers uncompromised performance and protection. The combination with the TBG™ Tactical Battle Goggles provides protection suited to the most hostile environments.

Stay Organized

Easily store your goggles with accessories – keeping everything in proper order. This kit allows easy and efficient transport to and from the battlefield.

Materials Matter

We follow MIL-SPEC standards to ensure uncompromising functionality, durability, and longevity in combat conditions. Our products are built to last – manufactured with a quality you can rely on.


NIR (near-infrared) materials significantly reduce your detectable heat signature, aiding in camouflage from enemy night visioning systems. Blend into your environment and safely execute your mission without being detected.

08 Mar 2020
I don’t use my goggles that often, but I need to have them on me all the time, so being able to just fix this on me is an ideal solution))

Case for TBG™ Tactical Battle Goggles

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